User Guides

Guest List Groups User Guide

When it comes to who you’re inviting to celebrate your wedding, it may not be one-size-fits-all. It’s common for couples to invite different people to different parts of the celebration; some guests will be invited to the whole wedding, while others may be welcomed along to the evening celebration only.

Guest List Groups allows you to quickly and easily group guests together depending on what events they’re invited to. By creating these groups and assigning your guests, they will only see the event details relevant to them when RSVPing. This saves any awkward conversations or confusion where evening guests may have previously seen event details for the full day.

Getting Started

Before creating your groups, you’ll need to set up your wedding events in the Event Coordinator. This is where all the details of each event will be stored, and allow us to make sure each guest group sees the correct information.

Creating a new Guest Group

When creating a new Guest Group, you’ll be asked to give it a name and select the relevant events you’d like to include. If the group you’re creating is likely to be the one most (of all) of your guests are assigned to, we recommend making it your ‘default group’. This means that any new guests added to your Guest List will be automatically added to this group. You may only have one group if you’re inviting all guests to all of your events

Once the group has been created, you can easily assign (or unassign) guests to the group. Assigned guests will then receive information relating to all events you’ve selected to include in this group.

With a GM+ membership, you can also add a password to the group. This extra layer of protection means that only guests with the relevant password can access the group information.

Assigning Guests

You can bulk assign guests within the guest group quickly and easily, or you can navigate to your guest list to edit a guest and assign them individually to a group.

Managing RSVPs

If you’re only creating one group and you want all of your guests to RSVP to that group- select “Allow Open Access RSVP” in the group details page. This means that anyone who visits your website can RSVP to the information and events in this group- no passwords needed and they don’t need to be on your Guest List or assigned to a group.

If you have multiple groups, you may still want to choose one to “Allow Open Access RSVP”, as it will pick up anyone RSVPing who may share slightly different details from those listed in your Guest List, like a different email address.

With GM+ Membership you can password protect a Guest List Group- which means your guests will only be able to access the information and RSVP with the password. If you decide to do this, you can share the password on your invitations or via a guest messenger email.