The Basics

Setting Boundaries With Your Wedding Guests

The happier your wedding guests are, the more fun you’ll all have.

But- your wedding, your rules. Getting married is about celebrating you and your partner, and your special day should be exactly as you’d like it.

Here are our tips for setting guidelines with your wedding guests, so that everyone enjoys the big day 👇

Giving Guidelines To Wedding Guests

Sometimes guests need (and want) a helping hand.

Setting boundaries and guidelines make things easier for everyone. Having a dress code and setting an end-time for your event helps your guests understand the formality of your big day, and when to book taxis home!

Be Clear

Wedding Guest Info

If you have decided to set boundaries, make sure it’s outlined to your guests from the start.

Use your wedding website and invitations to be clear about who’s invited (and who’s not), and any expectations of your guests.

Wedding Guest FAQs

Wedding Guest FAQs

Pair your beautifully worded invitation with a set of FAQs on your wedding website.

FAQs allow you to be more direct about what you do and don’t want.

Include dress code, policy on children and 1s, and any requests relating to photos and social media.

It’s Okay To Say No

It might feel awkward or even rude to say ‘no’ when a guest asks for something- but remember, they’re there to celebrate you and should be happy with your decisions.

If you decide your big day will be child-free, or that plus-ones can’t attend, that’s up to you. 

Point them in the direction of your FAQs so they know your response isn’t personal.

Ask For Help

Wedding Guest Help

Enlist your wedding party to help manage guest queries. They’ll be able to manage any questions guests may have, and can set boundaries on your behalf. They’ll be happy to help and it’ll be a weight off your to-do list.