Exclusive Designs

Bespoke Design Guide: Eucalyptus

Finding the perfect colour palette, header image and text for your wedding website can be quite the feat- even if you know what style you’re looking for.

We’ve designed a selection of header banners available exclusively for GM+ members and paired them with the perfect palettes and fonts. So whatever your vibe, we’ve got a style that is unique and yours.


Inspired by our bestselling off-the-shelf design, we’ve created three updates on the Eucalyptus theme to give you something extra special and a little bit different.

Look 1

Header image: download here
Layout: Continuous Page with Profile Image
Background 1 colour code: #fdf9f8
Background 2 colour code: #fdf9f8
Button colour code: #b9d8c8
Heading font: Reenie Beenie
Heading font colour: #589171
Paragraph font: Economica
Paragraph font colour: #589171
Explore the site: https://marc-and-maxwell.ourdaytoremember.co.uk/

Look 2

Header image: download here
Layout: Tabs
Background 1 colour code: #fdf9f8
Background 2 colour code: #fdf9f8
Button colour code: #95ad97
Heading font: Lobster two
Heading font colour: #6b8375
Paragraph font: Antic slab
Paragraph font colour: #607266
Explore the site: https://charlotte-and-matthew-example.gettingmarried.co.uk/

Look 3

Header image: download here
Layout: Tabs
Background 1 colour code: #fdf9f8
Background 2 colour code: #fdf9f8
Button colour code: #b5cbbf
Heading font: Amatic SC
Heading font colour: #485d54
Paragraph font: Josefin slab
Paragraph font colour: #485d54
Explore the site: https://john-and-blake.gettogether.org/