User Guides

Table Planner User Guide

Table Planner and seating arrangements are, in our opinion, one of the toughest parts of wedding planning! Sure, there are some easy decisions about who sits where, but you’re always left with a handful of guests who don’t fit any table, and arguments about who gets to sit next to your great uncle who will not stop talking.

The one thing we can do to make your lives a little easier is share our Table Planner tool. Part of GM+ membership, which also includes dynamic RSVPs, unlimited email stationery, Menu Manager and our guest Q&A.

Connected to each of your wedding events, you can create the number of tables you need with your choice of shape, number of seats and table name.

Once you’ve created your tables, you can easily assign guests that have been added to your guest list by typing their name and selecting them as they appear. You can reorganise your list by dragging and dropping names, and remove guests from a table if you decide to move them. Repeat until each table is full and all your guests have been assigned. 

With our table planner tool, you can easily visualise different ideas and options for seating arrangements, and make sure everyone has a seat.

Once finished, you can download your table plan ready to share with the venue (or whoever is organising the tables!).